By Nasim LahbichiAugust 15th, 2024

Cantaloupe Zest Gazpacho

You've probably never heard of cantaloupe soup before, but one of our favorite creators, Nasim Lahbichi, whipped up this gazpacho with ACC, and we're not looking back.While the weather's still warm and melons are still in season, get cooking.


Cantaloupe, peeled, deseeded, chopped, and chilled1
Yellow Onion½
Algae Cooking Club Oil1 tbsp
Cinnamon½ tsp
Kosher Salt, to taste
Prosciutto, Feta, Mint, to garnish
Chili Crisp Oil, to garnish
Nasim LahbichiRecipe Creator
Step 1

Peel, deseed, and chop your cantaloupe. Chill and set aside. Zest 2 limes and set the zest aside.

Step 2

In a skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of neutral oil over medium heat. Place the 1/2 yellow onion face down along with 3 limes sliced in half, face down. Sear on medium heat for 3-4 minutes until charred.

Step 3

In a blender, combine the cantaloupe, yellow onion, and juice of the limes until smooth. Add salt, about 1/2 teaspoon to start, and cinnamon and blend once more. Chill.

Step 4

To serve, layer cubed feta, proscuitto, and mint onto a skewer. Pour soup into a bowl and drizzle chili crisp oil on top. Garnish with fresh cracked pepper and the skewer.

Step 5

Dive in!!